Thursday 9 April 2015

Answer to Question

The type of irrigation recommended to the aforementioned question is Drip Irrigation

This is because in drip irrigation the required quantity of water is applied by means of mains, sub mains, manifolds & plastic laterals in the with equally spaced emitters usually laid on the ground surface at low pressure & at low discharge at the root zone of the crop. Seeing that the WASA line is not too far from the land. The water pressure would not be to low and by running the pipe or hose through the field, this will ensure that the crops on the land will be fully irrigated. 

The Drip Irrigation is ideal for this situation because it means that it doesn't require any other irrigating measures after Halak introduced this irrigating system on his farm. 

In addition to the this problem, the farmer must also take into consideration the components of the management system that must be managed on his farm. This management practices can be broken down into 
1. Irrigation
2. Drainage
3. Conveyance to and from fields
4. Water Storage
5. Release of water from the confines of the farm
6. Water sources and sinks 

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